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Should You Become A Professional Organiser?

Become A Professional Organiser
Become A Professional Organiser

Here’s the scenario… 

You spend a handful of weekends sorting your home. It looks beautiful, makes you feel calm and relaxed, and you’re the envy of your friendship circle. 

Your friends start asking you to help them sort their wardrobes and pantries. You happily help – as it’s who you are – but one day, you start to wonder if there could be something more. Could you turn your hobby into a business? Would you succeed? Would you even enjoy working as a professional organiser? 

Do you love people?

At the centre of the professional organising industry is a passion to help people. You love nothing more than hearing about and solving your friends, family, and co-worker’s home sorting problems. But this also extends to a general desire to help people. 

Are you someone who opens the door for others? Do you offer to bring a plate to family events even when the host says no? Are you likely to check that your sick friend is stocked up on essential medication and food? 

Can you show discretion and empathy? 

Extending from the point above, is an ability to show discretion and empathy. When clients let someone into their home – they are doing so often from a place of desperation. They want to find solutions to their problems and are having no luck at going alone! They may be embarrassed or shy. You need to show the utmost discretion that confiding in you will go no further. A solid dose of empathy also works wonders at putting people at ease. 

Are you adaptable? 

The professional organising industry continues to evolve. To succeed in the industry, you must be able to adapt and pivot. This may mean shifting away from your usual solutions when completing jobs to having an open mind and willingness to take on tasks and roles that are outside of your traditional ‘job description’. No matter the case, the ability to adapt will take you far. 

Are you willing to up-skill? 

Lastly, and often the most important is whether you’re willing to dedicate time and resources to up-skilling? Even the most proficient professional organisers need to stay on top of the game by expanding on their skill set. This may be reading books, taking short courses, engaging with a mentor, to name just a few. If you’re not willing to work towards advancing your skills – another career path may be better suited for you. 

What’s next? 

The professional organising industry is growing rapidly within Australia. Whether you already work as a professional organiser, have a desire to up-skill, or are considering a career change – we have exciting business, franchise, and professional development opportunities designed to help you on your journey. 

If you’ve got what it takes to succeed as a professional organiser - reach out today!

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